Kitchen Hoods
When experiencing the wonderful cuisines available to us in the Lower Mainland, kitchen hood design is essential in the commercial kitchen setting to ensure tasty and healthy food time and time again. Kitchen hoods are essential for providing safe gas and fume extraction in the interest of public safety.
In all modern commercial kitchen settings, kitchen hoods are legally required to be installed in addition to fire suppression and sprinkler systems. When food is being prepared, natural gas, propane, and other sources of deadly carbon dioxide are dispersed into the area in a gas-vapor form. Kitchen hoods extract the contaminated air using forced induction fans, transporting these fumes outdoors in a way that mitigates any harm to all persons. Further along the extraction ducting, there will be a condenser in the middle to mitigate moisture on the exhaust as well as a grease filter on the intake hood to increase the longevity and keep the efficiency at a benchmark level
When taking a look at the residential setting, a kitchen hood is just as vitally important; however, it is on a smaller scale as compared to the commercial kitchen setting. It still contains a grease hood that is accessible to clean for the homeowner, but most of the time it lacks a moisture condenser as it is not required for such a small residential load.
Voltas Engineering has extensive knowledge in the design and implementation of kitchen hood systems in and around Vancouver, and our team focuses on making quality, well-thought-out plans for every project. We problem-solve at every corner, as we are a true one-stop shop! Contact us now for your kitchen hood needs! Feel free to request a quote through our online application form.