Spray Booths
Spray booths are negative pressure-controlled rooms that are used in many industries, including automotive, medical, manufacturing, nuclear, and electronic, to name a few. When hazardous materials and sprays are used, adequate containment of these materials must be ensured to not harm any living people, animals, or the environment as a whole.
At Voltas, we know that engineers swear an oath to put public safety above all else. Hazardous vapor mitigation is a prime example of the specialized service Voltas can provide for you and your business. Over the years, Voltas has completed multiple projects including largescale industrial-sized negative pressure booths within the lower mainland. As mechanical engineering experts with a dedicated department for just that, Voltas can provide the know-how, expertise, and advanced practices to ensure we satisfy every need and want.
At Voltas, we will ensure your booth system is designed and installed to BCBC and NFPA standards. We help make sure your system is not only code compliant but also safe and practical to operate. With HEPA training and a deep understanding of all things HVAC, we are the right people to consult with.
Meticulously crafted and refined, all of the work that we do at Voltas is full of pride and passion. When working with us, we make sure that all of your requests are addressed, all of your questions are answered, and all of your projects are successful. If there is anything we can do, please let us know, and we will be delighted to help out. Contact us at 604-593-2293 or request a quote through our online application form.